My Blog

It's Still Day 1   Internship
As I sit on my desk in Amazon Bangalore Office, with two widescreen monitors and a Macbook pro, I wonder what am I doing. I mean it's 12:30 in the afternoon here, I just walked in half an hour ago, and I'm writing my intern blog. What I'm really …
Hello! Its been a long time since I have posted something, because it has been a really long and hectic semester of college! Its over now, Phew! My friend Chinmay, who has been asking GSoC related questions to me for a while now, asked me to describe how does one …
Everybody has this presumed notion that noise in an electronic system is bad. We all learn about ways to reduce noise in the circuits we implement to get better results. In this post we will see a case where intentionally adding noise to a system will give better results. What …
This is a tutorial for using the maps module in kivent to load Tiled maps. It covers the steps required to load and display a map on the kivent canvas, but it doesn't cover how to make a map in Tiled. Building and installing the module Make sure you have …
I always wondered how large-scale projects and organisations got formed and got to the stage where they currently are, where there are tens or even hundreds of people maintaining them and constantly contributing to make them better. I wondered how it would feel like to see the project build up …
It has been a little over a month since I last posted a blog about my updates on the work I've been doing. I admit I've been a bit lazy these past few weeks and pushed a few deadlines ahead, but I've caught up with my planned time line now …
My love for cython has kept increasing constantly for the past few weeks. It feels like by the end of my GSoC I might switch to cython entirely, if thats possible. Cython lacks a few key development tools though - a code testing tool and a lint tool. I felt great …
Game of Thrones fans might identify the title as a (not so) famous dialogue from the series' mysterious character Jaqen H'ghar. So the GSoC coding period began two weeks back on 23rd May while I was obsessed with this epicly famous TV series. I was busy binge-watching episodes from …
Life is never simple For the last week of the community bonding period, I was finishing off the animation module for KivEnt. I added a JSON parser inside AnimationManager to read and store animation lists stored on disk in JSON format. Making this module was fairly simple. I had to …
Segmentation Faults are a nasty sucker. Any moderately experienced C/C++ programmer would know that. But well, I didn't. I had started coding in Java initially, which has an exception throwing tendency which is the inverse of Perl's :P! And it throws very clear and precise exceptions with a stack …
I'm really excited to say that my project was selected for Google Summer of Code 2016! This is a really great opportunity for me to get to code throughout the summer, and coding is something I dearly love :D ! GSoC? What's that? So this is how GSoC works. There are …
Hello World   GSoC
This is my first blog post! I'm starting this blog specifically for GSoC 2016. They require weekly updates on my project through blog posts. But you'll also see other interesting stuff I am interested in and write about.