Hobby and Open-Source Projects

I regularly publish code on github and gitlab, which is mainly scripts and tools I have written for my daily use or just for fun. I have also contributed a bit to open source hardware by designing boards and circuits for the Electronics Club, IIT Bombay.

cpub - EPub reader   2019-03-07   CLI
I wanted to learn ncurses. I did not like some aspects of the epub reader I was using at that time. So, the result was cpub.
Fast Playlist   2018-05-04   WebApp
A webapp to create and play youtube playlists in a lightning fast way. It is aimed toward making listening to songs on youtube as easy as pi. It is currently defunct and not hosted anywhere.
XLR8 Remote Control   2017-09-03   Android, AVR
This is a blutooth remote control for a differential drive robot. I implemented it with help of other Electronics Club, IITB members for participants of a college competition. Requires an android app, and an avr circuit to interface with the HC-05.
3D Write   2016-04-25   CLI
Put me in an overnight train with no internet and a laptop with a fully charged battery and you get this. Write in a 3D font in the terminal! Its basically a custom designed 3D font using ascii characters and a python script which uses that to write text. Check the README on the github repo, or this page's source if you want to see an example :D
Image Progress Bar   2016-02-26   Android
Android library for using custom images as progress bars. Had initially designed it for use in the IIT Bombay TechFest 2015 Android App, after which I moved it to my own repository.
EasyFill   2015-08-08   Android
Android application along with a server side app to ease out the process of event registrations in IIT Bombay. The clubs on campus hold a lot of events ranging from small to large-scale, where they require that attendees register with the club for further updates. This android app makes it a one click job to register at such an event.
Wave Simulator   2014-09-12   Android
Waves Simulator is an app which simulates, in real time, the vibration of a string under the action of various waves superimposed on it. You can specify the amplitude, frequency and initial phase of each wave, and also fix the speed of waves on the string.
Warzone   2014-07-15   Android
Warzone is an android game in which the main charcter is a stickman stuck in a war field. Your goal is to help him dodge all the missiles falling from above.