About Me

Hello! I am Meet Udeshi. profile photo I am a PhD student at the Control/Robotics Research Lab (CRRL) and the Center for Cybersecurity, New York University. I am advised by Prof. Farshad Khorrami and Prof. Ramesh Karri. My research focus is on hardware security. I am currently working on the semantic reverse engineering of embedded systems binaries to extract high-level semantic information, such as math equations of the implemented control logic.

Previously, I was a Senior Engineer at Qualcomm Corporate R&D in the ML Compiler Team. I worked on the compiler stack for the Cloud AI100 Accelerator platform.

I completed my Bachelor's and Master's degree in Electrical Engineering from IIT Bombay (Mumbai, India) in 2019. My Master's thesis was focused on hardware security, as part of Computer Architecture and Dependable Systems Lab (CADSL) guided by Prof. Virendra Singh. For my thesis, I designed a denial-of-service attack for the memory prefetcher.

Check out my research page for more details.

I am an avid reader of manga and thriller novels. I love sketching, gardening, brewing tea and coffee in my free time. I keep publishing hobby projects on github, you can find a (rarely updated) list on the projects page.